Simple everyday fitness gear and resources for home, travel, or outdoors.
“Exerciser Systems is fitness designed to build strength, flexibility, balance, and cardiovascular health. ES products are for home, outdoor, and travel. Research and design behind Exerciser Systems are based on tried, tested principles used in physical therapy, pilates, yoga, sports medicine, and exercise science.”

The philosophy behind ES is that less is more. What do we mean by this?
What we mean is that continuity in exercise in regular strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness is more important than how fast or how heavy you do the exercise. In fact, regular walking daily is one of the best exercises you can do, especially if you are walking out in nature.
ES equipment is designed to be easy and simple to use, low impact, and effective for maintaining overall strength, balance, flexibility, and cardiovascular health. Whether you are maintaining, training, or losing weight, Exerciser Systems equipment can be used to create a fitness program that suits your needs or goals.
We know that wellness and exercise equipment does not need to be expensive, to be exceptionally functional and well designed.
In fact, practicality is one of the principles we keep in mind when designing exercise systems. Modularity, storage, and ease of use are key aspects when designing exerciser systems.